Help in bring a change in our community by promoting a noble cause to “Make Child Visitation a Fundamental Right to Biological Parent and Grand-parent”. As a parent/grandparent and a real sufferer you are fully aware of the pain and agony families in India are going through in order to stay in touch with their children during matrimonial disputes.
Parental Alienation is a form of Child abuse and we need to STOP this social evil for the betterment of our children and society. Share-A-Childhood Foundation would like you to actively promote this cause in your city/town and also recruit more volunteers to spread awareness and we assure you of all the needed support.
How You can Help
1. Click on the URL Link below and Sign the Petition on
2. Login to your account on and forward the link to your friends and Family.
3. Share the Link on WatsApp, Telegram , Facebook to spread the word.
Note : A unique URL is generated for every user and he/she can track the signatures under Profile -> Inbox on
URL Link :
Petition · Supreme Court of India: Make Child Visitation a Fundamental Right for Biological Parent and Grand Parent ·
Children are God’s greatest gift to mankind as their vary presence makes the atmosphere lively and joyful. In order to make citizens for tomorrow, it requires coordinated efforts from parents, grand-parents, teachers, governments and the society.It is rightly said; “Children’s are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow.” – Jawaharlal Nehru The number of matrimonial disputes in India during the past decade is alarming.As per NCRB report the number of matrimonial disputes in Indian courts account for 52% of total number of litigations across the country. A large majority of
Your contribution for the cause is invaluable !
Disclaimer : The contents of the blog are personal opinion and view of the writer. Vaastav Foundation does not hold any responsibility for the contents of the same. Vaastav Foundation promotes Family Harmony, peace and believes in Equal Human Rights. Vaastav Foundation is also against gender discrimination and law misuse