I chose you.. Sometimes I feel I should not have.. But it will stay with me forever.. that I chose you..
Inspite of same age, in college I become a care-giver because I chose you..
I come home at 8 PM without going out with my friends, when I can… because I chose you..
I can sleep outside marriage easily but I choose not to.. because I chose you..
I am called names because my parents are in an old age home, as per your wish. But I did that.. because I chose you..
between the choice you threw me of being a son or an husband, I had to choose to be a husband.. because I chose you..
I am a sewage worker, a miner, a soldier working in sub-human conditions, a protector, a provider when I can choose not to be all this, but I am.. because I chose you..
Calamities, risks, dangers all had to subdue me before causing any harm to you.. because I chose you..
You threw me out of our house, on false allegations of violence. I know I faced this, because I chose you..
You jailed my entire family along with my 1 year old niece on charges of dowry harassment.. She will grow up to know this happened.. because I chose you..
Dowry was intolerable, but Alimony was justifiable to you.. and I know I had to stand with this hypocrisy.. because I chose you..
You enjoyed months of living with me, but then filed a rape case violating my soul, but I accept I faced this.. because I chose you..
I am as good and bad as you. I am weak, I am fearful, but at times I become what I am not for you.. because I chose you..
I am power. I am strength. Even when I am not all these things, just so you feel secure .. because I chose you..
So when you make your choice, remember I can make mine too..
Edit Note: This write-up is in response to the #VogueEmpower video of Deepika Padukone #MyChoice showing men suppress their choices for women too.
– Amit Deshpande, @antidespondent
Disclaimer : The contents of the blog are personal opinion and view of the writer. Vaastav Foundation does not hold any responsibility for the contents of the same. Vaastav Foundation promotes Family Harmony and Peace and believes in Equal Human Rights and is against gender discrimination and law misuse