Why no one ever challenged repeal of 497 by Supreme Court of India.
Since this section repealed adulterous women got more strong.
Now they got the right by the Supreme Court of India to get her paramour to home and sleep in front of her husband and order her poor husband to serve alcohol and food to her paramour. Supreme Court just stated that it can be a ground for divorce, don’t Supreme Court ever thought that divorce is not as simple as they think of? Men had too much obligations in terms of child and even possession also. Wife lives with men for years so if she has relation with others it does not mean that men will give her divorce at once and all the worry got over. Men will be having possession for her even if she is adulterous so merely telling to give divorce won’t work. Had women having some fear of law that they would get punished for adulteration they would desist from keeping illicit relationship. Instead of making 497 more powerful by including even women also as a party to the crime Supreme Court just struck down the law which is really injustice towards men. I appeal to you to please file PIL in Supreme Court for review of repealing this law and request must be made for restitution of 497 with some major changes as I already mentioned. Why only paramour get punished must include adulterous women also for punishment because for them marriage is nothing and can go to whoever she wants which is really not acceptable. If she is really interested in other person then why not just give divorce and live with whoever she wants? What kind of judgment is this that she no need to give divorce to sleep with other men? This judgement gave intense mental trauma to men. The repealing of law has actually protected women from being labelled as adulterous which is really gross blunder.