I was a victim of 498a,DV and CRPC 125 in 2013-14.My life was completely messed up and looking for help from some one to save my family from false allegation made by my wife.
I was searching on google for help and come to know that there are group of people who can help me in terms of guidance and give me direction apart from greedy advocate.I called Mr.Hussain sir from Vaastav Foundation and asked him where can i meet him for guidance?He asked me to come to veer savarkar garden,borivali(W), There i found a lots of victims like me.
They are fighting and I was crying.That’s difference i found.
Gradually,Mr.Hussain,Mr.Nimesh,Mr.Robin,Mr.Rohit and all has guided me and given me a direction to fight the case of 498a,DV,CRPC 125.
You do not believe but My wife was asking me 10-15 lakh to withdraw such false cases and give me divorce and want to destroy my family.I fight and by just paying 50k I got divorce,court has declared me innocent and NOT guilty and saved my family within 1 year.
My fight was for 1 year only but I am writing over here just to raise awareness among society who are facing such a false cases since long time and who are doing suicide just because of false cases made by wife like 498a,dv,crpc 125.
Today me and my family is living happy life just because of Vaastav Foundation
Thanks a lot!!
Disclaimer : The contents of the blog are personal opinion and view of the writer. Vaastav Foundation does not hold any responsibility for the contents of the same. Vaastav Foundation promotes Family Harmony and Peace and believes in Equal Human Rights and is against gender discrimination and law misuse