When I was a child my school and my parents taught me and my brother many things like to
“never lie”, “never hurt anybody”, “help others”, “ don’t cross road without checking without checking both sides of roads”, “don’t spend on unnecessary things” and so on and on.. and last but not the least was to “respect woman” . I was going to realize that there are some people who take advantage of your kindness.
I personally feel that my parents have done all they could to give us the best of education, food, cloths but above all they inprinted moral principles so that we can be a good person in the society.
Setback of life:
My Big brother was not good at maths so he couldn’t cop-up in SSC but he realized his duty and started doing small-small job to help father financially. Mom got health issues from more than 3 months. Dad had to break his every savings, sell our house, to pay hospital bills. By the time I completed my SSC my mother passed away. That was biggest setback for us. My dad was not saying any problems to us, but we knew that our financials are zero. Dad had to take loan from relatives to pay my fees.
Troubles of Middle Class:
I tried my part get best results in graduation, while Big Brother done his hard work to earn roti-kapda-makan.
I got job after graduation and our financial condition become slightly well. I paid all the loans which dad had borrow for my study and shifted from rented home to own home by taking bank loan. It was going all well and like every lower middle class person, our aim was to earn more money and live respected life.
Marriage of Brother:
We got rishta for my Big Brother from distant relative. Girl was from Village. Due to our financial condition it took nearly 2 year for marriage after engagement. He got married in Samuh-lagn and Girl came to our house.
Soon within 2 months she started showing true colors. She started making illogical quarrels. Her target was especially Dad. She wanted to rule us from every aspect. We tried to make her parent understand however ultimately they did what they wanted to do to us. She went to her parent’s house at village when she was pregnant. No communication from her side for over a month and suddenly we got news that Baby born. We went to her parental home at village. She let us meet the child; we took pictures and also took dinner together with her parents. However at the end she again started quarrel and didn’t came with us.
Soon we received court notice. She had filed the fake case of Domestic Violence against all 3 of us. We appeared in the court. From all these allegation my Dad was too much hurt. A person who never hurt anyone was now hurt by fake allegation made by his daughter-in-law. However he decided to fight back and encouraged us to do so as well. We didn’t had any idea of court process. Opposite lawyer started building pressure. Pressure of proving himself innocent, when woman files fake cases, is like walking into fire path. However we didn’t give up and so we appeared every date of court, gave all the evidences to court. Soon she asked forgiveness to my dad and withdraw the case. We had concern of child and for child’s betterment, we forgive her. So she came back to our house once again with the child. We thought it is her hriday-parivartan but we were wrong, she had another plan.
We started showering our love towards child. For some months she stayed without any issues however again she started the same technique of provoking us, making illogical quarrels and finally she went to her parent’s house without any valid reasons.
After a month we got call from her Mother. Conclusion of call was that her mother will only send her when salary of my brother increases. And within two-three days we got court notice. She had again filed Domestic Violence case with fake allegation with all 3 of us as accused.
Fight for Justice:
We were not going to give up now. We were fed up of this legal extortion. I started reading more and more regarding law so that we can fight this fake case and show the true face of her to court.
I got information regarding Save Indian Family and Vaastav NGO. This is help group for Men who are trapped in false cases. Soon I started attending their meeting.
We gave all the evidences in the JMFC court. JMFC court noted in the judgment that, all the 13 out of 13 allegations were found to be false. However JMFC court still passed maintenance to her.
For us the judgment of JMFC court was not at all acceptable. How can we get punishment (in the name of maintenance) when it is proved that we are innocent.
We appealed in District court. District court canceled her maintenance and kept child maintenance. She again went to High Court.
We were not accepting the injustice getting done towards us. So we went to high court. we tried to appear as party-in-person and were managed to show the true face of her to the court. Hon. High Court have heard us and argued with us for about 40 minutes and finally her appeal got dismissed. Her lawyer was kept making false allegation but he didn’t succeeded.
Benefits of reading about law, judgments and joining Vaastav helped us in our case. I am thankful to volunteers at Vaastav and also to every MRA because of them; we were able to get our justice.
Thank you and Long live MRAs.
PS: our fight is not over yet as she has filed another false case, however we are sure that we will get Justice. All thanks to Vaastav.
— By Jatin
Disclaimer : The contents of the blog are personal opinion and view of the writer. Vaastav Foundation does not hold any responsibility for the contents of the same. Vaastav Foundation promotes Family Harmony and Peace and believes in Equal Human Rights and is against gender discrimination and law misuse