Dear Friends,
6 months back I joined Vaastav at that time I was afraid about the #fakecases filed on me & my family. I had lost my confidence. Thanks to Vaastav team & their counselors, they helped me a lot. Sunday meetings are very helpful to all guys who are facing problem of #fakecases of #498a, maintenance etc. In that meeting you can meet face to face with counselors and discuss your problems. With the help of counselor and the other members who are the part of Vaastav help to get solution of many problems. I got my confidence back after joining of Vaastav & now I am ready for fight against all odds with the such excellent support.
My wife has filed #fakecases of #498a & maintenance cases on me. I gave a strong fight with the help of the guidance that I had received and finally Got zero maintenance order from trial court which is my first Success after joining Vaastav Foundation.
I want to dedicated this win to all the counselors & my fellow victim friends.
Thanks to Vaastav Foundation !!