To all those while passing through pre-498a issue…………………There is a possibility of ANTICIPATORY BAIL…..!!!.Usually we do not think of this….But YES,it is possible to get Anticipatory Bail in this period.The success to get bail depends on
1-Your sense of smelling the 498a in coming days,
2-Your awareness of this possibility that one can get the Bail,
3-The evidences you have to convince the justifiably of bail against 498a and lastly
4-The luck factor.
I also should say that one has to have a competent advocate so as to present your issue in front of court and get the Bail granted.If this happens then you are the winner and let the lady fight in court.Then once the war starts…….Don’t give up half a way by settling out of court and let go her without punishment……..Once the bail is in your hand….There is nothing she can do…..To get the bail is very much possible…..I my self was granted Anticipatory Bail…And I am now in USA with my children……As such it is the police pours fuel in the fire as ideally it is police’s duty to investigate before any action.But in today’s date the 498a is money spinning mean for police,court,advocates and associated all others from the victim.I feel is this Anticipatory bail issuance will start in good number then concomitantly the false 498a will reduce or at least start reducing. This was today’s tip…..
If u want to get in touch with me …leave ur email id I will reply to same or raise questions here
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