“ MEN “ Who is man ? A big question which is a astonish for…
#YESIamThechange: This film focuses on sec 498-A, often ignored by the media.…
News Just In
View MoreWhy no one ever challenged repeal of 497 by Supreme Court of India. Since this…
४९८अ ही कलम १९८३ साली अमलात आली, ह्या कलमानुसार हुंडा देणाऱ्या—घेणाऱ्यांना शिक्षा दिली जाते. हुंड्यासारख्या…
“ MEN “ Who is man ? A big question which is a astonish for…
“जिंदगी की राह पर चालते हुए, हर कदम ठोकर झेले हैं, काफिर ना समझो हमें,…
This is Part 2 to the Vaastav Foundation – The Crisis Angels of My Life. …
World Politics
More from PoliticsThis talk hopes to break the stereotypes attached with sexual abuse, domestic violence and other such issues in which women…
Discussing the myth that harassed husbands are small minority in India. What would happen if Majority of People feel that they…
First I appreciate Mr. Amit Deshpande for creating a blog like…
वो स्त्री चल दबंग हो जा !! हर जगह तू feminism…
Hi, This is Sunil From Thane . Let me explain my…
The journey for freedom took 6 years. The victory is not a sudden event. It took a lot of small victories as…
When Judges say that, law is very clear with “consent and coercien” in rape…
IPC ની કલમ 498a નો વધતો દુરુપયોગ થાય છે તેના માટે લોકોં માં જાગૃતતા…
My Right My Voice – Post 4 Recently a leading newspaper DNA’s path breaking…
Thank you Vaastav Foundation, For providing platform to come together against false cases on husbands and in-laws. The Sunday meeting is inspiring every time, for getting justice from our Judicial System even though some Acts, law solely Facilitate wife (not…
Don't Miss!
View MoreVictorious victim – A Story of a victim who emerged as a winner My…
We have great women leaders in our country or belonging to Indian origin, born…
Suggestions on proposed Shakti Bill, 2020 (Based on report on survey cum invitation of suggestions conducted by Vaastav Foundation) By Dr. Mithun G Kherde
Introduction: “Laws are like double-edged weapons. If they are made to protect the rights…
Hi I am Nitin started attending Vaastav meeting around 2 and half month before…
Definition of Domestic Violence as per English (UK) Law: The cross-government definition of domestic…