I am a retired mid class common employee. I have a son and a daughter.
My son was married 2 years ago. Our daughter –in- law was treated as the daughter of the family. Her birthday was celebrated and she was loved more than our daughter. One fine day we got good news, that we were having a new guest in the house .That we were going to be grandparents.
We came to know that our daughter in law was not desirous of becoming a mother and wanted to abort the child. One fine day she left the house without any information to her parents place. She framed false allegation against all of us and started threatening.
She informed us about her sudden abortion and created panic in our family. We came to know that her abortion was not natural. Thereafter we were called at the police station. Due to all these situations we were frightened and were not able to think .What to do, whom to meet and who to ask for help was not known. Due to the above situations and related trauma we had tremendous sorrow in our house.
We got information about Vaastav foundation through internet. Immediately we met the foundation members and got moral support.
Interim we got a notice of divorce from our daughter in law. Basis the demand of Rs. 10000/- as monthly maintenance and framed false allegation we had panicked, but Vaastav’s guidance gave us the strength to fight against it and got moral support for the same.
In addition to Vaastav’s support and having a good lawyer we were able to get out of this traumatic situation. No allegations were proved against us and we were also not required to give any alimony. All this happened due to timely guidance of Vaastav’s foundation and their members.
Today I think in my mind, if Vaastav foundation had not been existing I couldn’t have imagined what would have been our position basis the trauma and panic we had been through.
We wish all the best to the Vaastav foundation and members for their valuable contribution to the society.
We also wish that all affected sufferings families may also get due guidance and moral support from “Vaasatv Foundation” just as we got during our hard times
Note: Below is the hand written story from father of the fake case victim in Marathi.
Disclaimer : The contents of the blog are personal opinion and view of the writer. Vaastav Foundation does not hold any responsibility for the contents of the same. Vaastav Foundation promotes Family Harmony, peace and believes in Equal Human Rights. Vaastav Foundation is also against gender discrimination and law misuse