Things that comes to mind after reading the headline
1) So sad, that person had to undergo hardship for 7 years
2) Law needs to be changed to protect innocents
3) Why did this happen
If your answer is one of the above, then you are part of herd mentality. Which does not care about happenings in society.
Story in short
Gopal was picked by police and arrested coz female sleeping on platform at Railway Station complained that she was raped by Gopi.
Note the names are different.
Police picked Gopal as his name was resembling Gopi. No reason whatsoever was provided for detention.
Chargesheet was submitted and in matter of 10 months, Gopal is convicted and sentenced to 7 years Imprisonment. Isn’t this strange?
Gopal appealed in Mumbai High Court challenging Lower Court order, High court acquitted him of all counts.
1) His wife remarried
2) His daughters are at Orphanage
3) His Father expired
4) Mother left for Native place
5) Gopal got TB during imprisonment
6) Lost his job as a Chef in a fine dining restaurant (note he is qualified Hotel Management Graduate)
7) Most importantly 4 FAMILIES HAVE BEEN DESTROYED (His Wife’s, Daughters and his own)
Gopal is currently on Hunger Strike at Azad Maidan, Mumbai. His demand is to meet Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis and present his case.
The effects are more disastrous than what NAKED EYE CAN SEE
1) Gopal can no longer live with Dignity
2) His father expired as there was no one to take care of him in his old age
3) His mother was forced to go to native place as there is no source of income for her
4) His Wife remarried to ensure that at least she is able live.
5) His daughters were sent to orphanage, God knows they did not deserve that. At least their mother should have taken care of them
The root cause of above is due to Misandry (Male Hatred) present in society perpetrated by misguided feminists under false grab of women empowerment.
Had there been a Men’s Ministry this could have been avoided. As he could have approached them and got acquittal earlier. This could have saved life of his Father, His family would still be intact.
Members of Vaastav Foundation met him on 12th July 2015 at Azad Maidan & apprised him of options available to him.
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Disclaimer : The contents of the blog are personal opinion and view of the writer. Vaastav Foundation does not hold any responsibility for the contents of the same. Vaastav Foundation promotes Family Harmony, peace and believes in Equal Human Rights. Vaastav Foundation is also against gender discrimination and law misuse